"If well crafted, a short series of questions can help shift an group’s attitude toward a mindset that is more dialogic and less dogmatic. The right questions can nudge the participants toward recognizing two realities: 1) People in the room have different experiences related to the topic at hand, and 2) There is likely a connection between people’s diverse experiences and their disparate opinions. These two facts tend to expand people’s view beyond their own perspective to one that includes theirs as well as others’. those in attendance start thinking about why people, including themselves, hold the opinions they have. This change, from merely having an opinion to looking to the reasons why people, including themselves, hold the opinions they do, is a core part of opening up folks’ minds to new thoughts.
This shift is a key almost any gathering, whether it is a speech, training, workshop, or conference. With more open minds, people are in a greater stance of listening to speakers, and to entertaining new possibilities in workshop settings. At a conference,this shift causes more curiosity about what they can learn from other attendees. The key to achieving these benefits of more open minds is to use think carefully about the questions suitable for that particular audience at that specific event."